Welcome everyone to my new blog aptly called Table for Five. The name of the blog is obvious, but why I'm now blogging about this experience is to some extent beyond me. My goal this year was to connect more with family and I think Facebook has helped me do that, but I don't want to FB everything that is going on in our lives. Sometimes, a blog is a better avenue to vent or to share ideas that don't need to be shared with everyone.
This blog is going to be based on my first hand account of being a stay at home father of three kids, the husband to a marketing professional and my life as a professional photographer that is trying to blaze a new trail in photography.
I'll be sharing the joys of this sometimes thankless job and the complexities involved when five personalities coexist together. It is going to be an interesting opportunity for me to share more of my thoughts and experiences about parenthood with you and for you to learn more about me and my crazy life.
Ok, so being a family of five is a big deal in my book, but then again being a family of four, or three or even two was a big deal. So why now all the hoopla? Well it's simple really. Vanessa and I are finally outnumbered. That fact alone makes me want to have a drink of my Bacardi Reserve. We are learning rather quickly the art of being late, thanks to tantums, I can't hear you attitude and the millionth dirty diaper by Andres. The kids are giving us a run for our money, but we'll win... I think! Stay tuned.
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